This is an Impossible Love

Translator: P411

Editor: Lilia

Read at Watashi Wa Sugoi Desu!

Chapter 167 – Meeting up with Vidello-san and Crash

“What have you been up to lately? I haven’t seen you around town at all.”

“I was in the workshop praying. [ Prayer ] uses stamina and magic, so I just fall asleep after that.”

“I understand, but don’t push yourself too hard.” 

“I’m not pushing myself at all. I rather like praying.”

The only flaw was that a lot of time passed before I even realized it.

But thanks to that, my prayer level was going up so quickly. I’m sure the day I’ll be able to make high-ranked holy water is coming soon!

In high spirits, I went into Crash’s shop together with Vidello-san.

At long last, there was no queue at the shop, a sign that things had finally calmed down.

The doorbell rang when we came in, and we walked in to find a few customers and Crash in the shop. 

“Welcome! Ah! Mac! Where have you been hiding recently?! I’ve been waiting for you to come to the shop!”

“Ah, sorry, I forgot to bring the potions.”

“Well that’s too bad, but I was worried about you. When I asked Vidello about you, he told me he hadn’t seen you either, and when I asked him to check on you at your workshop, he told me you might have your own reasons why you weren’t showing up.” 

I didn’t know they were that worried about me. I’m sorry. I was so desperately raising levels that I didn’t realize how everyone felt about my absence at all. I would reflect on my actions.

“I’m sorry Crash. Vidello-san, too. I’m really sorry for making both of you worry.”

“It’s alright. Do as you like. …Well, it would be nice if you remembered me once in a while.”

“I’ve been praying while thinking about you all the time. In fact, there’s been nothing else on my mind but you.”

“Okay, okay, thanks for the food, you lovebirds. Now what’s your business here today?”

Our lovey-dovey moment was abruptly stopped by Crash, and we were forced to change the subject.

Ah, yes. Alcohol!

“Oh, Vil! You brought Vil today. Come here, come here.”

Crash finally noticed the bird on Vidello-san’s shoulder, and although he was asking me a question, he totally ignored me and reached out his finger to the bird. 

The bird chirped.

“Good morning, angel.”

“He said good morning.”

His face lit up when I translated Vil-san’s words.

The bird moved to Crash’s finger without hesitation and chirped again.

“‘You look beautiful today, angel,’ he said. I’m going to take the bird to Jhal Gar-san’s place today. So can you sell me some alcohol?”

“Oh, you’re going there? I want to go there too. Or are you two on a date, perhaps?”

“No, it’s not. I’m going there today on Vil’s instructions.”

“I see. Then you don’t mind if I come with you?”

Crash said with sparkles in his eyes, so I turned to the bird and asked, “It’s as you see, so is it okay?”

“I don’t mind, but you really are friendly with the people from this world. Just explain to him that there’s a guy who’s going to join us over there, and if he’s alright with it, then it’s okay.”


I felt like the customers were giving me a weird look as I conversed with the bird. 

But if I didn’t face the bird and talk to it, I would just be a weirdo talking to myself. My options were to either look like some sort of pervert or look like a princess from a fairy tale. Please don’t look at me, please don’t judge how I seem like I’m in a fairy tale movie… It would have been much better if Vil-san had brought his avatar instead. 

“I’ve got someone to meet with up there, is that alright?”

They both nodded at my words.

It looked like Crash was preparing to stock up on barrels of wine again, and while putting them in the sale inventory list, Crash told the customers, “Sorry, I’m closing the shop for some personal reasons, so if you still want to buy anything, now’s the time.”

“Me, I want a S-rank potion.”

“I also want one. He’s here, so can he sell it to us?”

When a few customer players took a glance at me and asked Crash, he smiled and said, “It’s alright, isn’t it?” and created a scene where I had no say in this.

Well, it’s okay. There would have to be a limit on purchases, but I usually had one slot of my inventory full at any given time.

With a bitter smile, I took out high potions from my inventory and handed them to Crash. Crash gave it to the customer in exchange for a fee, went to the entrance of the shop to see the last person off, and returned after swapping the sign outside to [ CLOSED ].

Then, he drew a magic circle on the door to lock it.

When he drew it, the bird chirped.

“Kengo, what’s that magic just now? I’m interested in the wave motion he made to activate that magic.”

“You mean the summoning magic circle?”

“Summoning magic circle…? Was there ever a report of such magic…?”

Crash smiled at the bird, which tilted its head and chirped. He seemed to find the bird cute, saying that the little guy was a chatty one. If Crash ever found out who was behind that bird, I wondered how he would react.

He made sure the bird was firmly on his shoulder and held out his hands saying, “Let’s go.”

After confirming that Vidello and I had grabbed onto him, he quickly drew the magic circle. 

A bright light surrounded us, and a moment later, we were greeted by a completely different scenery from before.

At the same time, something like a scream was heard from beside me. 

When we all shifted our gaze in that direction, we saw a person wearing combat equipment looking at us with a surprised expression. (PK: a surprised pikachu face. XD) 

“…Kengo. I have a lot I want to say and a lot to ask. But let me introduce him first. The one with the surprised look on his face is our companion today, ‘Akakatabami’.” 

“I’m sorry to startle you, Akakatabami-san.”

“Ah, ah! You, you are, I believe a hero’s son… and why’s a hero’s son here also?! As expected, the noticeboard…”

“Wait, stop.”

He pointed to Crash with a shaking finger and rambled on, twice surprised by who he was meeting and how he met them, so I interrupted him. 

“Sorry. Mac said he was going to meet up with someone, so I thought that it would be better to hurry up and use summoning magic.”

“Ah, well… Vil said he’d need a helper today, but I didn’t realize there would be a hero’s son… Anyway, what are you doing here, Vil?”

The moment Akakatabami-san pointed and muttered at Vidello-san, the bird chirped. I didn’t have any new messages, so it might have gone to Akakatabami-san.

Maybe he thought Vil-san made an avatar and came here. They looked exactly alike, didn’t they?

He glanced at Vidello-san and murmured, “No way!” and, “For real?!” I was sure Vil-san was introducing Vidello-san as his brother.

“By the way, what are we here to investigate today?” Vil asked.

“The magic releasing from the pedestal at the foot of the statue has been unstable lately, so I thought I would take a look at it to see if there’s anything wrong with it and try to adjust the wavelength.”


Jhal Gar-san’s, the stone statue in front of me, was sitting in the same position as when we left the other day.

“I felt like he was standing when I asked him to come here before…” Vil commented. 

“That’s why I’m saying something is wrong here.” Akakatabami-san added.

Along with a thoughtful message, the bird chirped… And at the same time, Akakatabami-san also responded. 

Well, that’s because the last time we visited him, he was sitting down when he turned back to stone.

As I looked at Jhal Gar-san, Vidello-san called out to me from behind, “Mac.”

“Mac, you came here after that, right?”

It was not suspicion, but conviction.

Vidello-san knew that I came here. Now that I thought of it, I forgot to mention it to him…

“Did you come alone? Mac. Leaving without me?”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but Mac didn’t come here alone, he came with me, right?”

Vidello-san seemed a little bit regretful. As if to fan the flames, Crash, with a big smile on his face, asked for my agreement.

Um, it’s true, but I don’t want to say it here. I definitely don’t want to say it, Crash.

“Ah, I see. A case of adultery…?”

All three of us simultaneously turned around in Akakatabami-san’s direction as soon as we heard his whisper. 

At any rate, after desperately clearing up his misunderstanding, we looked at the pedestal once again.

This altar-like place certainly gave off a bad vibe, but Jhal Gar-san’s presence above was much stronger, so we didn’t understand it well.

If the magic from the pedestal was unstable, was there something hidden there?

“Anyway, how about asking the guy himself what this pedestal is?”

When we nodded after hearing Crash’s suggestion, Akakatabami-san shouted, “What?!”

“Who’s the guy being asked?! Normally, we use magic on this pedestal and check the wave transmission with the other side.”

So that’s what the maintenance was.

Putting magic on the pedestal here. What scary things have Vil-san’s group been doing?

And what am I supposed to do to help?

As I stood there, Crash asked me about the alcohol.

Did he still want to talk with Jhal Gar-san?

While taking it out from my inventory, I looked at Akakatabami-san talking to Vil-san, and both of them turned to look at me. To be more precise, at the one behind me: Vidello-san.

“He really looks just like you. I thought you came over here yourself and started doing maintenance on your own or something. I was about to make a pun saying you don’t have that time. You’re now working on something else now, right?”


“He’s definitely stronger than me, so I’m sure he’ll be fine. What I’m more interested in is the hero’s son. Why did he leave the shop and come to a place like this?”


“What?! This guy?”

“Chirp chirp.”

Yep. Looking from the sidelines, this was exactly like a scene in a fairy tale. I wondered if I looked like this at the shop earlier too.

I turned away from Akakatabami-san to look at Crash.

Crash was pouring plenty of alcohol on Jhal Gar-san.

He was sitting down, so it was easy to pour the alcohol on him.

“By the way, what exactly is the hero’s son doing?”


“I see, you don’t know either. Is it okay not to stop him?”


Akakatabami-san, who had been watching leisurely with his arms crossed, opened his eyes in shock a moment later.

The air around us became heavier, and I could clearly see that Akakatabami-san became very alarmed. 

“Hey… wait, wait. What the hell did you guys do…?”

He clutched the sword at his waist and took a stance.

What was ahead of his alert gaze was the sharp glare of Jhal Gar-san, who had been a statue.

“Kengo… That statue, what happened…?”

A message also arrived to me. 

Ah, I guess he didn’t know about Jhal Gar-san. Even though his mother told him about the statue, she might not have told him that she asked for the method to return back to her world. 

“Perhaps, this is the stone statue your mother talked about.”

“How did he become like this?”

“If we pour alcohol on him, he will temporarily be released from petrification and can talk to you. That’s why we needed alcohol before coming here.”



“Let’s properly talk about summoning magic and the stone statue later, shall we? While having your home-cooked meal.”


A roar echoed through the place, cutting off the conversation between us.

Unlike his usual friendliness, it was the roar of a wolf that brought fear from the depths of our souls.

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11 days ago

Huh? Did smth happen to Jhal Gar-san? D:

Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)