The Melancholy of the Demon Army Officer

Translator: Tsukii

Editor: Derpy

Read at Watashi wa Sugoi Desu!

Chapter 105 – Leonhart’s Castle [B]

“――So, why were both of them sent flying…?”

“Don’t worry about that. It’s just a bit of punishment.” 

“It hurts…” 

“Uuh, that’s awful…”

Hunty, who brought the other two apostles to the office, looked at them with a weird expression. The two also groaned while massaging their asses. They reaped what they sowed. Hunty sighed, 

“Well, I won’t ask what happened…” 

“Ah, about that, Shiso-sama. Leonhart-sama has a taste for Le――”


“――Want another hit?”

“――monade! He seems to like lemonade as I saw him drinking it recently! Ahaha……”


“…? You like lemonade?”

“Like any average person.” 

Eeh…? While Leonhart felt relieved seeing Hunty confused about it, he lightly glared at Pale. She let out a bitter laugh, 

…Haah, well, I don’t mind…

Leonhart looked at Pale, the girl who became his third apostle.

Pale Kalar, the former Chief of Kalar. She became Leonhart’s apostle a few months ago.

Pale made such a request after saying she had finished her term as chief with her successor already taking over and all that was left for her was waiting for the end of her lifespan. At that time, the time of change was just about to occur so Leonhart hurriedly turned her into an apostle at the last moment but there didn’t seem to be any particular problem. In the first place, Leonhart already intended to do so if Pale asked him.

But man, she really changed compared to when I met her 80 years ago, Leonhart thought as Pale had become quite――No, really strong.

Leonhart had a glimpse of that feeling when she was still a kalar, but she really became bolder. It was something to be happy about. She used to be a shy girl with withdrawn thoughts, so seeing her more confident was something good.

Her former self was a shut-in who read books all the time, but she gained even more wisdom and her skill in magic became the best among the kalar. This was also something to be happy about.

Then there was the fact that she had cultivated office skills and abilities during her time as the Chief of Kalar. Leonhart was the most grateful for this. Not only could she handle everything from paperwork to commanding his subordinates, but she also had no bad habits like Carol. Carol was superior in terms of pure ability, but Pale had her wisdom and experience, which allowed her to give various suggestions. She thinks quickly on her feet as well.

Once she became an apostle, her power and ability was strengthened. This was also something he welcomed. She was a capable person――but with a quirky personality.

…She’s cheerful――or rather, she feels merry. If I were to be blunt――she’s a pervert…

Her head was filled with pink—if he was to be direct, eroticism. That was what she became.

Now that he thought back, she already showed a glimpse of that side of her since her time as a kalar, but it has come full circle and became worse. He wouldn’t mind if she only did that when they were doing the deed, but she would often run her mouth to sexual terms if there was anything she could link it to and ask him for it—and when it was bad, she would end up aroused on her own, which made it hard for him to deal with her. Perhaps because she became more confident, she also became more boastful somehow. That part was similar to Carol though.

Even if he wanted to scold her, it was hard to feel upset since she made sure to do her job properly. All he did was lightly remind her not to do it outside. The other day, she even got aroused on her own when she read a meeting(kaigi) document. When Leonhart asked why, she said, “Let’s do kaigi(art of pleasure), it somehow sounded like an erotic special skill…” so Leonhart hit her. By the way, whenever he punished her, there was a high chance she would feel aroused instead. What should he do?

…It might be better than being a shut-in, though.

Leonhart couldn’t strongly tell Pale to fix it since there were times it helped him relax or even saved him. In the first place, he was the reason why she ended up that way. So he had to take responsibility, or rather, approve of her.

As Leonhart thought about Pale, he spoke once again.

“…For the time being, I’d like to say one thing that has been on my mind since earlier…” 

“What is it? Are you referring to the cute girl over there?” 

At Pale’s words, Leonhart nodded and said “there’s also that.” But that one was for later. What he wanted to say first was, 

“…Can you stop with that exaggerated welcome?” 



Only Hunty raised her voice in understanding. But the other two complained,

“That won’t do, Leonhart-sama! This is Leonhart-sama’s city! Having everyone welcome and praise Leonhart-sama is something we obviously need to do!” 

“That’s right. Besides, most of the inhabitants are demon soldiers, so even if we told them not to, it would be useless.” 

Both Carol and Pale said they didn’t want that and that they couldn’t do it. In a sense, it was easy to see why. Carol seriously meant her opinion that most of the people living in the city were Leonhart’s subordinates, and Pale’s opinion was also something obvious. Asking others to not be in awe at a majin in demon society was something difficult to do. Even in human nations, asking their people not to respect their royal family or nobles was something they were too scared to do—though they might think otherwise inwardly. However,

“Even if you say that, it’ll raise my ego too much.” 

“Well, I do sympathize with that, but you are a supreme majin and demon army officer, and it is true you are a great person, so wouldn’t that be okay?” 

Hunty said so casually, but that wasn’t the problem here. 

“I didn’t mean it as a consideration to other majin. I meant it might be taken as an offense toward the maou. You know my welcome is more impressive than that of a maou’s? When we returned to the maou castle, although there were words of welcome from the demon captains, there were some who did it slovenly.” 

Because of that, a class that taught manners for the demon generals and demon captains outside Leonhart’s Army had to be held. The ones who served as the teachers were demon generals of Leonhart’s Army, with Great General Lee sometimes helping out. 

“…Do you need to do it that much?” 

“Nighcisa values status and courtesy. There’s nothing wrong with being careful.” 

Indeed. The problem was the maou. 

The maou was an absolute existence in demon society. Reasoning like with humans wouldn’t apply to them. No matter what outrageous thing a maou says, if a maou said it, it would happen. Not fulfilling it was something that couldn’t happen.

“Maou Nighcisa… huh… Were you okay?” 

“Fortunately, he seemed to like me. I also have my status after all. However, don’t try to talk to him even by mistake, okay? Try to avoid contact with him as much as possible. In case it was him who came to you――”


“Show your loyalty, but don’t be overly humble――right!”

“We’ve heard that over and over, and since we’ve seen him once, I think we would be okay.” 

Leonhart nodded at his apostles’ words. Regarding Nighcisa, that kind of treatment was the correct one when interacting with him. 

“Fu-hn… well, I’ve never talked to him before, but could that make him like you?” 

Hunty was skeptical and asked. Leonhart’s answer was affirmation, 

“……You see, for those in power, they often hate others that try to lick their boots. Even words of compliment that people don’t mean, praise that is, would be easily seen through as long as the person in question isn’t that much of a fool. They would already be sick of such methods from people trying to suck up to them, and they have no need for people who can only agree with their words…… Incompetent rulers would be fine with that, though.”

However, said Leonhart and continued his words to his apostles. 

“Nighcisa might be brutal――But he’s not an incompetent person. He is intelligent, well-reasoned, has discerning eyes that admit good things are good, and he even has the tolerance to listen and approve of the opinions of those below him. He gives off the impression of an excellent aristocrat or royal family member.”

“Err, that means…?” 

Pale had a bitter smile as she asked, so Leonhart answered her. 

“It’s extremely troublesome. It’s lucky that he didn’t give an incomprehensible order, but I need to be careful at all times. He seems to prefer someone who could guess his true intentions, and he would even give goodwill and kindness to such a person.” 

“Wouldn’t that make it a good thing?” 

Carol said, but Leonhart shook his head. He pointed his chin toward the sleeping girl with his head, 

“……Being asked to ‘violate and kill’ out of goodwill isn’t something tolerable to most.”


“Wah…That really sounded maou-like…” 

While Hunty frowned, Pale had a weary expression as she made words of amazement. Leonhart sighed, 

“I’ve permitted my subordinates to do so several times to vent their frustrations, but it’s the first time I have been directly ordered to do so… Well then, I’m sure he would ask what my impression of doing so afterward was, but how should I answer it…” 

“Are you really going to do it―― well, it didn’t seem like that was the case… Then what would you be doing about it?”

“Do you want to protect her?” 

“Hm- but won’t it be bad to not listen to the order…” 

At his apostles’ words, with the last one coming from Pale, Leonhart denied it. That was, 

“It’s okay. Let’s protect her here for the time being.” 

“Eh, but…” 

“It’s okay. Nighcisa isn’t the kind of person that would be that concerned over the safety of a single human. In a bad sense, that is. So as long as I keep my story straight, it will be okay for the time being.” 

Besides, even in the unlikely situation Nighcisa did find out, he wouldn’t do anything as long as Leonhart showed his loyalty in another manner. Leonhart understood the nature of Nighcisa. Nighcisa did ask Leonhart to violate and kill, but that was meant as Leonhart’s reward. Nighcisa wouldn’t mind what Leonhart would do with his reward. Even if a lord granted a rabbit they caught to his subordinate, the lord wouldn’t blame said subordinate for feeling pitiful of said rabbit and secretly letting it escape. At most, he would just feel disappointed about it. 

Leonhart would have no choice but to do so if Nighcisa emphasized that it was a command, but he had room to maneuver since Nighcisa didn’t. Of course, Leonhart needed to be more careful than just lying.

“Well then… What should I do? How do I answer it so it sounds like I actually did it…” 

“Ah, I came up with a good idea! I’ll play the role of a woman who hated it, so things would be resolved as long as Leonhart-sama attacked me!” 

“Wha, that’s cheating! I’ll also――”


“Eh? But Carol-senpai, I don’t think you can act as though you hate being attacked by Leonhart-sama…”

“…Of course I can’t, but I’ll make it happen using love, loyalty, and spirit!” 

“…Why did it end up as a simulation play?” 

“The order is to violate and kill, so I think that’s not possible.” 

Hunty said exasperatedly. Leonhart agreed. Leonhart rolled his shoulder while holding his head, 

“――Well, I’ll do something about it. Anyway, once she wakes up, treat her gently. I need to return to Maou Castle.”

Leonhart’s work hadn’t concluded yet. He only returned for the time being to hide the girl. This castle was quite useful in that regard. A supreme majin did most of their duties in Maou Castle, but the reason Leonhart went through all the trouble to make an additional castle when he expanded the city was to make space to relax and for the sake of what happened this time. Carol ordered the walls to be painted red, and Leonhart felt like fainting when he heard his castle was known as the “Crimson Demonic Castle,” but it was still his dwelling. It was a comfortable place, so he didn’t mind it anymore. 

“And so, I’d like him to ferry me there.” 

“Ah, then let’s call him――Oh, ah, there he is!”

When Leonhart said that, Pale opened the window of the office and shouted down. There was a large courtyard in that direction. Pale waved her arm, 

“――Raizen-saaaan! Leonhart-sama said he wants you to take him to Maou Castleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

“――Not again?!”

The one who said that and revealed his head was one of the Four Great Saint Dragons, Raizen the diamond dragon. He raised his head vigorously, 

“Leonhart, you haven’t been thinking of me as a convenient vehicle, have you?!” 

“I think――not, I guess. Rather, you could just refuse if you don’t want to.”


“Guh, that’s certainly true, but…”

Raizen frowned. His gaze was directed at Pale who stood beside Leonhart, 

“Eh- you wouldn’t mind since he’s your friend, would you? Raizen-san didn’t seem to have anything to do anyway, right?” 

“Y-you see… But――”


“Aren’t we close enough to ask for that?! Please! I’ll hold another yakiniku party later!”

“…………That’s how it is!”

“……I have been thinking about this for a while, but you are strangely soft――toward women, aren’t you?”

“Eek! It can’t be helped! I have to listen to women’s requests if I can help!!” 

Raizen dignifiedly said pathetic words. Pale also added with her hand on her mouth, 

“Raizen-san is a gentle dragon after all. For the last 80 years, he’s always been my conversation partner. He even went through the trouble and went to the foot of the mountain.” 

“Y-you!! I told you not to mention that much――Guh! Anyway, let’s go!”

“O-ouh. Then let’s go…” 

If they stayed there, more of Raizen’s secret would be revealed, so Leonhart put his hand by the window and jumped down. He landed on Raizen’s back as it was, then Raizen spread his wings and began to ascend. 

Down below, Leonhart heard Carol and the others say, “Have a safe trip,” and Leonhart rode Raizen to return to Maou Castle once again.


Author’s Note:

Ssulal: “Crimson Demonic Castle(Akamajou)…! Sounds cool! Why didn’t you build it when I was still alive?! I’d love to live there if I was there!”

Leonhart: “Stop with the dark joke, I have a hard time retorting.” 1

Pale: “It sounds like the name of a castle that a vampire would likely live in. Rather, why don’t you talk about me?”

Ssulal: “Eh, but aren’t you a mob character…?”

Pale: “I’m not a mob character!! I’m the main character! Regardless of plot relevance or plan for appearance, the moment I got promoted to an apostle, I already won in this story!”

Raizen: “……By the way, I――”

Carol: “Raizen-san was promoted to a vehicle! Congratulations!”

Raizen: “ ”

Hunty: “That’s just a joke――well, perhaps not really, but she has no bad intention so please forgive her…”

Launea: “…………(By the way, the apostle Pale had her model. I find it easier to imagine that way. I will reveal it on profile someday.)”

Tsukii’s Note:

I have returned! And it’s another illustration time! the 3 escort gal demons!

Swordmaster: The swordmaster is a gal demon that was highly regarded as one of the strongest gal demons in terms of physical combat. She had an appearance of pink hair and two big blue eyes, coupled with long pointed ears. They sport a comfortable and suitable attire that grants them a swift movement and leaves next to no skin exposed. They are extremely straightforward and simple minded, devoted to swordplay with little interest in anything else.

Valkyrie: The valkyries are a warring type of a gal demon. They are devoted to battle and constantly searching and fighting strong enemies. Considered the strongest gal demon there are, and probably among the strongest of demon species. They are tremendously agile, able to quickly see and react to their opponent’s attacks and capable of landing consecutive critical hits. Their instinct in battle is comparable to “genius” among humans, and they only use shields and bare hands in combat. Personality wise, they are typically very austere and only interested in battling strong opponents.

Mighty Witch: the mighty witch is a very uncommon type of demon that, despite seemingly unfeminine and unattractive appearance, is still categorized as a gal demon. They are extremely rare as well. They have an intimidating appearance of towering frame that boasted a large silver hair, white eyes that lacked pupil, and combined with a sinister smile, making the a chilling monster, which might contribute to their small number. But it turned out that’s not their true appearance but the transformation achieved by their powerful magic. In reality, their true form looked like a regular little girl with a small and flimsy body. Their transformation is temporary but they always assume that form in combat. if they were defeated or ran out of stamina, they would revert to their weaker and more fragile form, leaving them vulnerable.

Combat form:

True form:

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