Please Wait Until Spring
Translator: Whistle
Editor: Scarr
Read at Watashi Wa Sugoi Desu!
Chapter 18 – To the Next Step
Sorry, we have to take out the NSFW parts of this chappie. Click here to read it in full!
“That was fun…”
Rick sighed in satisfaction after placing the shopping bags – filled with lively, cartoonish characters all over them- on the doorstep.
The shopping bags sagged to the floor, revealing glimpses of cookie tins with the same cartoon characters, plushies, T-shirts, and towels inside them.
Rick’s feet were throbbing from walking around too much, so pulling them out from his shoes, he put on his green slippers. Behind him was Davis, who also voiced his pleasure from the date today.
“Somehow, I feel like I’m still on those rides. The flickering lights from the parade still linger in my eyes even when I close them… It was amazing,” Rick said with a smile.
Davis nodded in agreement, “Indeed, it was amazing.”
“Yeah. And, oh… I ended up buying a lot of stuff. I’m sorry for the trouble,” Rick apologized, seeing the number of shopping bags that settled on the floor.
“No, it’s no problem at all,” Davis assured. “How are your hands? Are they hurting?”
Many of the items in the bags carried by Rick were purchased using Davis’ money. Since Rick had bought them the tickets, Davis wanted to pay for the rest. But alas, it was obvious that more money was spent on shopping when compared to getting the actual tickets.
It was not like Rick ever begged Davis to pay for everything. Davis was the one who carried the souvenirs that Rick had picked while shopping, and he immediately paid for all of them at the cash register. At least, Rick insisted on carrying all of his own shopping bags throughout the date. The bags were notably heavy, and hence Rick looked at his palms- thick red lines were visible all over them.
“No biggie!” Rick said, throwing his hands away. “Still, I had so much fun.”
The place Rick and Davis went to today was more of a theme park than an amusement park. The same characters were seen all over the place, be it the rides, restaurants, or even on the souvenirs bought by the two.
The same characters could also be seen riding a large vehicle adorned with bright decorative lights, going around the park in circles. Rick lost count on how many times he had seen them throughout the day.
Though, he had grown to miss them dearly without him realizing it.
“I feel like enjoying these cookies with tea later,” Rick said. “Would you like to join me?”
Davis thought it’ll be a good way for them to relax. “Sure, that would be nice.”
“And then… This!” He also held out something for Davis to see. “We should try this bath bomb too! It can change colors, and I heard that it will give out a strawberry-like scent.”
Rick had rummaged through the bags for the bath bomb in question, it was shaped like one of the characters of the theme park. Davis smiled adoringly in response.
“Okay, I will look forward to that too. We should give it a try during our bath after this.” Davis nodded.
“Now, the T-shirts… I’ll have to wash these first before I can wear them. Spring is starting tomorrow, but… It’s still cold here. Man, I can’t wait to wear these T-shirts…”
Rick was sitting on the front porch and looking into the contents of the shopping bags when Davis placed a hand on his head.
“The souvenirs aren’t going anywhere.” Davis patted Rick’s head. “So first, let’s go and clean ourselves.”
“Teehee. Okay!”
Rick nodded wholeheartedly; his puffy tail was wagging. It was hard for him to put the colourful and eye-catching souvenirs aside, but like Davis said, they certainly would not disappear anywhere. Rick would have time to inspect them again when he got to sit down with Davis and talk about the day that they spent together later on.
As if Davis just read Rick’s thoughts, he mumbled, “I feel like tonight’s gonna be a long one for us.”
Rick immediately agreed, though, he was failing to notice that Davis had something different on his mind.1
They took a bath, then had tea together while they talked about their day. They discussed among each other about which of the attractions were fun, what characters were cute, and so on. Rick commented that riding the roller coaster was scary and that the merry-go-round was beautiful. Of course, Davis happily listened whilst nodding; he even giggled at some points.
After all, it was the first time Rick had gone to an amusement park, and he had really enjoyed the experience. If someone were to ask him when the happiest day of his life was, he would reply today without hesitation.
Sorry, the rest is on other site…click here to read it!
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Rip Rick. Thanks for the chapter!
Candle for Rick. Will you make it to the next chapter?!
Rick dug his ass’s own grave RIP lol