Translator: Yuu

Editor: Lilia

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NOTICE FROM QC: Hi lovely readers! I am really sorry this took so long to come out! Please forgive me! m(_ _)m. But we will have no further delays. Thank you so much for your patience!

Chapter 18


I was not going to spend all my time down here! Let me outttt!

Don’t close the cover! Open it up! Let me out already, dammit!

But Dad! Was unaware of the situation here! ! So I couldn’t just scream for help! Aaah! What was going on here?!

Argh! This was super infuriating. I thought he was a good guy, but he was an absolute villain! He tricked me!

I was also stupid for being tricked by him! I had to tip my hat to his acting!

He deserved a round of applause! Dammit! I’m losing faith in humanity!

I had thought he was your typical, sensible young master.

He tricked me! He really pulled the wool over my eyes! Ah! I was so pissed! Urgrah!

I stomped around in frustration to vent my anger.

It ended up just wearing me out, but my irritation still raged within me. What do you want me to do with all this rage?!

I shall use all my resources to gift you with hellfire-level spicy food that will burn your tongue for a whole month. No, that would be letting you off easy.

I will keep thinking about it later. For now, I had to get out of here.

But even if my anger had reached its peak… I couldn’t do anything but flounder about.

As I looked up at the light filtering through the cover, I took a deep breath and let it out with a heavy sigh. Let’s calm down. I was still angry, though.

The inside of the well was relatively spacious. But if someone told me to enjoy my stay here, do you really think I would happily agree?!


I shivered from the cold.

He was definitely calling me an idiot, a fool, a buffoon. No doubt about it. Yeah, and? I was a fool for completely falling into his trap!


If I end up catching a cold, I’ll forward my medical bill to him! But it would still not be enough.

If I had the time to be plotting this and that, I should try to leave. Aim for the top! Let’s go! Climb up!


I lost track of how many times I had landed on my butt, and it was starting to feel numb. It was still attached to me, right? It was still round, right?

I rubbed my rump, tears welling up in my eyes.

The good news was that during my upwards escapades, I found several indents in the stone wall. Could I use them as footholds?

I felt like I was catching a cold with my wet and muddy clothes, so I removed my coat and shoes.

I might as well have gone full nude, but if I actually did manage to wiggle my way out, I would rather not be forever ridiculed for standing outside in my birthday suit. So, the clothes stay on.

Spots here and there on my body ached, but they should just be scratches. Nothing big. If only it was a bit brighter here…

With a huff, I stuck my toes into a gap between the stones and carefully made my way up. I might have a talent for rock climbing.

If I knew this was how it was going to turn out, I should’ve given the pudding to Iyuri-san. I doubted I would be able to make kufa tomorrow.

I bet William-sama was coming up with all sorts of lies about my disappearance to tell Iyuri-san.

Or maybe he wasn’t. He might say that I just left on my own.

Once the thought popped into my head, my rage resurfaced! That bastard! He’ll pay once I get out of the well!

Iyuri-san had a bunch of special skills, so shouldn’t he be able to find my whereabouts?

He did say he could track my scent. Let’s hold onto that hope. Oh, but would he still notice me underground?

No, I wanted him to notice.

Then again, I shouldn’t rely on him in this situation. I should first try getting out by myself.

I felt my way for places to grip and put my feet.

But just as I was about to stick my foot in a crevice, I slipped. And back down I went again. Aaah~~.

I managed to properly land this time, but it still hurt. Of course it would hurt. And I heard a crack from my wrist. Blinding pain radiated from it.

I rolled my wrist around as I bitterly grumbled, wishing that the well was drier.

But thanks to all the moisture, my falls felt a bit softer. Did the mud help cushion the impact?

I was glad I wasn’t hungry yet, but I doubted I could sleep in such a damp place.

He said he’ll bring some food and let me out afterward, but didn’t this feel like he had forgotten about me?

Was I going to be stuck here for the rest of my life?

Iyuri-san’s face suddenly popped up in my head. I really wanted to see him.

Even though we saw each other not too long ago. Even though we were just friends.

I wanted to see that smile he only showed me whenever we met.

I knew I was being contradictory… but I wanted to see him.

Guess I would just have to keep trying.


Or so I said, but I fell back down again.

I couldn’t do it anymore. I was tired. All my fingers and toes hurt.

I will sleep here today. I shall give up on escaping for now.

I didn’t care that it was cold and wet.

And my stomach was growling because I moved around so much. I was hungry…

Food… Give me food. I hugged my knees as I looked up at the top.

Then, I heard high-pitched laughter coming from above.

“I can’t see anything, but are you down there? Oh dear, oh my! Looks about right! That’s the kind of place you belong in! How about living down there for the rest of your life? Oh, I brought you some food. Accept it and be grateful.”

The cover rattled as it moved and an excited voice said, “Make sure you catch it! Here it goes!”

Like she was feeding an animal. Was I some rare beast?! What was with this humiliation?! Once I’m out of here, you better watch out!

Wait, don’t drop it! That’s dangerous!

She threw something down, but I didn’t know what. I opened my hand to catch it. Please don’t let it fall on my head.

Thump. Clank.

It fell through my hands and landed by my feet. I quickly felt around for it.

F-found it!

I picked up something that felt like fabric and placed it on my knees.

“A candle and matches are inside the cloth. Why not use them to see? Oh, and there’s bread. I thought you wouldn’t need any water since you’re in a well, but I packed a bottle inside anyway. Be grateful. Until then, His Majesty is here, so I can’t be spending my time with you.”

She said and I heard the cover being placed back on top. Don’t close it! Let me out!

This was a crime, you know! And there was practically no water here because it was an old well! Plus, it was filthy! Was she a dumb lady?!

And Iyuri-san was here?!

Iyuri-san! Iyuri-san! Iyuri-saaaaan! I shouted as loud as I could in my heart.

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