After I Finished YEETing the Protagonist, I Moved on To My Second Life and Found Out that My Students Were the Protagonists of the Sequel

Translator: Tsukii

Editor: Lilia

Read at Watashi wa Sugoi Desu!

Chapter 53 – A Battle to Prove

Custody of Arkwright was safely handed over to the knights by Sir Braveheart, who, after all, was a paladin.

“Oidon is glad you caught on to my intentions, gowasu. If Haruto-dono hadn’t noticed, Oidon would have evaporated without anything left behind.” 

“I guess your gowasu verbal tic still stuck…”

The knights of the Tail Kingdom stepped into the former Arkwright Research Institute and began dealing with it accordingly. 

With this, the quest related to “Ruins of the Research Institute” wouldn’t be available anymore.

Well, it was a quest that was bad for the heart anyway, and it wasn’t like it dropped an item essential for progress, so it was okay for it to disappear.

“……So in the end, it ended up like this, gowasu.”

Outside the institute, Sir Braveheart had a sad expression. 

Neither I nor Sharon had the words to console him right now.

“Well, Oidon will leave soon, gowasu. There’s a lot of stuff to take care of, gowasu.” 



Hearing those words, Sharon realized something.

“That’s right, that person is supposed to be your guardian, isn’t he? Then…” 

“Yes, it means the engagement will be broken, gowasu. Don’t worry, Oidon will explain it to your parents, gowasu.”

No, that’s not what we’re asking, Shannon and I thought.  

His guardian from when he was a knight was now a major criminal.

“……Are you okay?”

“I’m already prepared to have my knighthood revoked at the very least, gowasu.”

His face was devoid of sadness. 

He seemed to really think that it couldn’t be helped to receive such a penalty.



As we watched his round back slowly walk away, Sharon called out to me in a weak voice and pulled the hem of my clothes.

“Don’t worry, it will work out somehow… No, I’ll make sure it works out.” 

I proceeded to touch her ── head was no good since it was sexual harassment so ── shoulder and nodded confidently.

That man, that knight. 

I couldn’t just leave him just like that.

As the Descendant of the Hero, who existed to fight on behalf of the innocent who could not fight, I couldn’t help him. 

But as teacher Haruto, I could. 

If it was for my friend, then just a little… No, I would do my best to help.




Several days had passed since Lord Arkwright had been arrested by the knights for conducting abhorrent experiments. 

To people who were quick on uptake, there were already rumors that the fate of Paladin Topgun Braveheart, of whom the criminal was the guardian of, was in jeopardy.

He was already not popular due to his ugly appearance, and his bizarre combat style was ridiculed since it was outside of the royal path of a knight. 

The focus was not on what would become of him, but on who would fill the vacant seat.

“……Well, I understand the situation… but,”


“Is it really okay for us to come to watch this?”

The arena was owned by the royal knights. 

In the audience seats, there was Erin, Sharon, and Kuyumi.

The almost empty arena was enveloped in an eerie silence. 

Looking around, it was clear that only those involved were present, including the upper echelons of the knights and a few aristocrats.

“It’s because I think it would be educational.” 


After being told off, Erin fixed her sitting posture. 

Sitting behind them was Erin’s foster mother, Estia SwordX.

Dressed in Japanese-style clothing as usual, she gently shook her head.

“Of course, the fact that Haruto-san requested my help directly is also a factor. He asked me whether I could prepare viewing seats for three people.” 

“It’s amazing that you actually could prepare it~♡”

“Fufuhn, it’s an easy thing to do with the power of the SwordX family.”

Estia puffed her chest out slightly as Kuyumi praised her. 

“Ah… here they are.” 

Hearing Sharon’s words, everyone turned their attention to the arena. 

The people who appeared were Haruto and Braveheart, both wearing formal attire.

Haruto had two swords hanging from his waist. They were meant for combat, not practice. 

Braveheart walked slowly and had his usual round appearance.

“──Well then, I’d like to inform everyone who came here once again.”

A voice amplified by magic echoed through the arena. 

It belonged to the upper echelon of the knights who prepared this place.

“It has been decided that the knights will accept Haruto-sama’s proposal regarding the deliberation of Sir Topgun Braveheart’s knighthood, which will be proven in a duel upon which the dignity of a knight will be staked.” 

This was what Haruto had proposed to the knights. 

Sir Braveheart’s reputation was in disrepute and if things continued like this, he wouldn’t be able to avoid having his knighthood revoked.

However, his strength was the real deal. 

Therefore, if Braveheart could fight against the Descendant of the Hero and prove his worth, then he should be able to remain a paladin.

──Of course, this also included the practical benefit that by observing the battle against Haruto, the knights would be able to collect his data.

“Why did teach’ go this far for that person?” 

“Kuyumi-chan is also curious about that♡”


Sharon looked uncomfortable as she received stares from both sides.

“That’s… He said that it was for the sake of his friend.” 

“Fu~hn. But there’s no benefit for sensei in doing this, right?”

What Kuyumi pointed out was correct. 

Even if Braveheart were to lose his knighthood, it wouldn’t affect Haruto whatsoever.

It was a pointless effort that could only be seen as charity.

“Winning or losing has no direct effect on the result. We will determine the dignity of the knight after both parties have given their all.” 

Erin’s group frowned at those words. 

“……I think that standard is too vague.”

“No matter what happens, it seems like it will be decided by the decision making person in the end~♡”


The conditions were clearly disadvantageous for Braveheart.

In other words, that was probably the maximum concession that Haruto could draw from them.

As the people in the audience speculated, Haruto and Braveheart finished their preparations and waited for the duel to begin. 

However, the Descendant of the Hero called out to the paladin who was concentrating with his eyes closed.

“Hey, Braveheart.” 

“……What is it, gowasu?”

As the paladin opened his eyes, Haruto asked with a serious expression. 

“In the end, why did you end up like that?” 

“……What do you mean, gowasu?”

For a long time, Haruto couldn’t understand the turning point. 

Why did Sir Braveheart, who was a scummy paladin in the game version, end up like this in this world?

“Why did you go to the Temple of Trials? Tell me about it before we fight.” 

When he asked directly, the knight fell silent. 

There was a hint of hesitation.

The conversation could be heard even from the audience seats.

“……Well, if you don’t feel comfortable about it, you don’t have to-”


After shaking his head, Braveheart opened his mouth. 

“It is meaningful to tell the story in this place… That’s what Oidon thinks, so listen to it properly, okay, gowasu?” 

“So the gowasu verbal tic could be used in a question form as well.”

The two laughed briefly. 

Then the knight opened his mouth and began.




Braveheart was a knight with a promising future. 

When he was first aware of himself, he was in the Arkwright orphanage, and thanks to the body modification procedures, he passed the knight exam and stood out as an excellent knight.

Through the introduction of his guardian Arkwright, he was able to make an appearance in social circles from an early age. 

Braveheart, who was both handsome and talented, quickly became popular in society.

In such a situation, the man who took the role as his father brought up marriage with the daughter of the Peer family. 

Although Braveheart was confused to be engaged to a young girl, his father whispered to him that it was the way to glory.

Therefore, Braveheart was willing to go along with it. 

His desire for glory was as strong as most people- no, perhaps even stronger than most.

For the sake of climbing to a greater height, to always enjoy days without hunger, and live a life colored in gold, he was willing. 

He wanted to further increase the number of days when he was endlessly praised and admired by many people.

He didn’t lack money or women, but he didn’t think it was enough. 

Due to his hunger for glory and arrogance, Braveheart tried to destroy a young girl’s future.

He even thought that he had that right.


──Until the day when the marriage proposal was wiped out by the Descendant of the Hero.


Screw you, who do you think you are? 

At that time, Braveheart was angry that his engagement with Sharon was ruined by Haruto. 

He wanted to meet Haruto directly and pour sarcasm on him.

And that time came quickly. 

One day at a social gathering, Braveheart found Haruto chatting with a nobleman.

“Hm, aah, Sir Braveheart. Isn’t it the first time that you two meet face to face?” 

“Nice to meet you, I’m Haruto.” 1

It was when they were first introduced and Braveheart stood in front of him.



Braveheart couldn’t speak up.

Exactly because Braveheart hated Haruto, he knew of Haruto’s achievements more than most people.

The Descendant of the Hero, the embodiment of hope, and the warrior who banished evil for the sake of good. 

In front of such a legend, Braveheart became speechless.


What could he say with pride to Haruto? 

Braveheart might be talented as a knight. He was also well trained.

But did all that have any meaning?

Braveheart couldn’t even introduce himself properly. 

Everything he had seemed to melt away in front of Haruto’s brilliance.

Until now, he had achieved nothing, and he was nothing. 

Braveheart was made to painfully realize that. He felt pain run through his body as if he had been deeply cut.

“……Nice… to meet you.”

All Braveheart managed was to squeeze out a greeting. 

That was his limit.

“Please take care of me from now on… Please excuse me, I was in the middle of a conversation.” 

“Aah, I don’t mind. Actually, I would like to order something to ward off monsters. Can I ask for a letter of introduction to that company?”

“Of course.”

Unable to keep up with the ensuing conversation, Braveheart left disappointed that day. 

Feeling listless and hanging his head, he went into the first bar he saw and drank.

He felt completely pathetic.

That’s right. I’ve always known that. The reason I was so hateful toward someone I’ve never met… it’s because I was jealous of him…! 

He was nothing but a decorative knight. 

He was only a paladin candidate because his guardian backed him up.

All he did was achieve decent results in matches.

He had never actually saved anyone with his own hands. 

He was even trying to go along with an engagement to a young girl.

──Of course, one wouldn’t be this hurt if they had normal sensibilities.

However, Braveheart was unable to shake off the feeling of distortion, and for the first time in his life, he realized his life wasn’t a proper one.

“What’s wrong, you seem to be a knight from what I can see, aren’t you? Why are you drinking so much?” 



When Braveheart turned around, he saw a young man with a red face.

The man had a handsome face and spotless white hair.

“You are?” 

“I’m Aias the Bard. I’ve already stopped singing for the day, though… fumu. Even if people can’t listen to my songs right now, I can at least try to listen to you. What happened?”

He was a man with a mysterious atmosphere. 

He was an easygoing and friendly man, yet there was something hidden about him.

Before he knew it, Braveheart was telling the man about everything that day.

“Heeh… I see. To think you looked straight at my best friend, aren’t you an idiot?” 

“Best friend?”

“Indeed, the Descendant of the Hero Haruto is my, Aias Vanguard’s, best friend.”

The bard put his hand on his chest and smiled proudly. 

“Do you feel pathetic when you compare yourself to him? I understand how that feels, very much so.” 

“……What do you think I should do?’

“I think you should retrain yourself.”

After saying that, the bard told Braveheart about the Temple of Trials. 

“If you’re heading to the temple, this Aias will give you one piece of advice.” 

“What is it?”

“Don’t be more afraid than necessary.”

Those words had a certain weight to them. 

After paying the tab, Braveheart left the bar.

Without delay, Braveheart headed to the temple. 

The spirits saw him and welcomed him.

[“So you have come seeking the strength and beauty you couldn’t have.”] 


Even though Braveheart passed the trials, he still remained anxious. 

The Descendant of the Hero might be fighting to save the world while he was doing this to save himself.

Just thinking about it made him want to scratch himself at how petty he was.

Braveheart accordingly overcame the trials with his abilities, one after another. 

The one who appeared at the final trial was himself.

It was the appearance of a man who held onto false glory with a cold smile on his face, making Braveheart almost feel disgusted just by seeing it.


“……Is that meant to represent me?”

[“Me and I want to see you overcome your fears.”]

Braveheart clicked his tongue and brandished his sword. 

He naturally piled up dozens of impacts together, unleashing a flash slash with a power that could crush a rock.

The thing unleashed easily wiped out the ugly man’s body without a trace.

[“That can’t be considered overcoming it.”] 

Braveheart certainly overcame the trial. 

However, the spirits were raising their voices in dissatisfaction.

[“You’re not facing what you really hate.”] 

“……I see, that’s certainly true.”

Braveheart was convinced upon hearing that. 

What he did earlier wasn’t overcoming what he feared. It was just him erasing the thing he didn’t want to see.

“So I was meant to speak with it, to face it and understand it, and then finally overcome it, huh.” 

In that case, he hadn’t overcome the trial at all. 

When he looked up, the spirits clearly had expressions of compassion on their faces.

[“You have to abandon them for once.”] 


[“That shadow is the collection of things you don’t want to lose. If you don’t abandon them, you won’t get what you seek.”]

“……Okay. Just take whatever you want.”

Hearing Braveheart’s reply, the spirits began to glow faintly and flew around him. 


[“Me and I will take the height you need to see far away.”] 

“I don’t need it, just take it.”

[“Me and I will take your voice that moves people hearts.”] 

“I don’t need it, just take it.”

[“Me and I will take the beautiful appearance you have.”] 

“I don’t need it, just take it.”


As curses were applied one after another, Braveheart’s appearance bore no similarities to how he was before. 

[“Don’t worry. Me and I will return it when we feel like it.”] 

“I told you I don’t need them, gowasu. I don’t trust the words of fickle spirits, gowasu.”

[……Then me and I will promise you this. Only during the time you abandon your chivalry, will me and I restore you to your original appearance.”]

Simply put, it was the continuation of the trial he so desperately wanted. 

Even if he became ugly, even if he lost everything he ever relied on…

It was a trial to see whether he could still remain a knight.

“Oidon is grateful, gowasu… To think you made it so clear, the shackles that have bound oidon…! Oidon is grateful, gowasu!” 

[“It might be something me and I did ourselves, but me and I can’t help but be taken aback on how naturally you adapted to it.”]

And so, Sir Topgun Braveheart was reborn. 




After hearing the past told from the paladin’s mouth. 

I── was smiling.


“What, so you actually don’t hate me, huh?” 


I said it clearly. 

Braveheart quickly blushed in humiliation, gritted his teeth and nodded deeply.

“That’s right. Oidon is…” 

The knight took a deep breath, trying to sharpen his wavering mind. 

Yes, that’s better.

This wasn’t a place to show off your sword skills.

Show me the strength of your heart.

“Oidon is──I am!”


His appearance changed before my eyes.

The man who abandoned his chivalry and drew his sword according to his personal feelings spat everything out and glared at me.

The people in the audience were clamoring loudly. 

They were astonished to see him return to his original appearance.

“I actually wanted you to disappear! You are so annoying, an eyesore, so frustrating, yet so dazzling…! How easy would it be for me if a real hero like you didn’t exist!” 

The man pointed his sword at me, his handsome face distorted as he roared. 

“So please fight with me. Either I completely deny you or you completely deny me. Otherwise, I won’t be able to move forward…!” 

So that was his true feelings. 

So that was his turning point, huh.

The reason why the man named Topgun Braveheart became so distorted and ended up becoming the ideal knight was actually because of me. 

In that case── there was only one thing to do.

“I approve of your wish. Very well, let’s do it.” 



I pulled out my sword.

Sir Braveheart’s face lit up with joy.

“Since you think it is worth it to put your destiny on the line, then it is also worth it for me to wield this sword.” 

I told him and circulated magic power throughout my body. 

There will be no mercy.


“‘Crushing myth’ ‘The baby’s prayers’ ‘I am a foolish martyr’ ‘May you lament the collapse’ ── DRIVE.” 


The sword was imbued with the light of the hero, causing a crack in the atmosphere from its intensity. 

It was the symbol of absolute light and goodness, but only for this moment, it was wielded for the sole sake of responding to the man in front of me.

The opposing Braveheart also took his stance. 

I could feel high-density mysticism coursing through his entire body.


“‘Repel the spark’ ‘Invisible stepping stone’ ‘Accept the judgment’ ‘May you meet your end by your mistake.’ ── DRIVE.” 


He activated his combat magic formula. 

It was at that moment:

“Let’s begin.” 


Why should we bother waiting for the starting signal? 

The moment we reached a mutual agreement, the atmosphere around Braveheart became distorted.

That was the scene from my perspective, and to put it simply, countless impacts were fired at me.

“Then both sides, let the match────?!”


The starting gun was fired early, and voices were drowned out.

Along with the sound of the gun, a cloud of sand rose and covered everything in sight.



“H-he’s actually going this far~?”

Erin and Kuyumi let out a voice of surprise. 

Since it was their first time seeing Sir Braveheart fight as a paladin, they seemed to be taken aback at how merciless he was.

This guy showered me with physical explosions and blows of mysticism like a torrential rain. 

There was no room for evasion.

The ground was gouged by the power that would obliterate even thick steel without leaving a trace.

But that wasn’t enough to deal with me. 

With a swing of a sword, the eruption was cut through.

There wasn’t a single blemish on the formal attire I wore as a teacher. The white cloth remained pristine. 

After cracking my neck, I looked at the paladin, whose cheeks were twitching, and loosened my blue tie.

“To think you’re unharmed after all that. I know you weren’t fighting seriously back then, but still.” 

“Of course. Let’s fight as if we’re fighting to the death.”

Now, let’s get started. 

The fight with our dignity on the line!!

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